a swarm of hungry intersteller wasps
Go backwards through time   a swarm of hungry intersteller wasps   Go forwards through time

I don't know why, but I've got a bit of a thing for "curious" little games.

High quality, High-concept titles put together by a tiny close-knit team of people.

Which would go some way to explain why there's a comic for every Introversion game ever made.

And why I lost so much time playing World Of Goo.

Dyson certainly counts as a curious little game.

Conquer an asteroid belt using semi-autonomous self-replicating robots. And trees.

I'm enjoying the play mechanics. Offence, defence and resource units are all one and the same. Balancing all three elements is challenging.

Sure, You *can* sit and just grow hundreds of Dysons on a single asteroid and defend it, but that won't do any good if the enemy is spreading out and consequently able to produce *more*. And you can make another Dyson tree, but it'll take time to grow to maturity, and you could use those 15 Dysons right *now*.

Anyway... Giving it a whirl will explain what it's about much better than I could.

You can get version 1.20 (Windows, Linux and Mac) here.

And it's having a commercial release, so picking it up will help produce more great little games.


There is, at this time, no news.
Which, if you listen to some people, is good news.